to himself in the solitude of his journey from Jerusalem to Damascus
and in the gift of the Spirit mediated to him by Ananias. And we also,
each of us singly and all of us together should reflect on all that
God has given us. He has given us existence and breathed life into us,
- not only the life of the body, but a life that makes us akin to Him,
His life. He has given us to know Him, the Living God, and He has
given us to meet, in the Gospel and in life, His Only Begotten Son,
our Lord Jesus Christ. In Baptism, in the Anointment with Holy Chrism,
in Communion to the Body and Blood of Christ, in the mysterious,
silent communion of prayer, in the moments when God Himself came near,
although we were not thinking of Him, He has given us so much.
The saints had heard Christ say, 'No one has greater love that he who
gives his life for his friends'. Paul, the other apostles, and
innumerable saints after them gave their lives, shed their lives day
after day forgetting themselves, rejecting every thought, every
concern about themselves, having thought only for those who needed
God, who needed the word of truth, who needed love divine. They lived
for others, they gave as generously as they had received.
Let us think of all we have received from God and ask ourselves: what
can we give first to Him so that He can rejoice in us, so that He can
know that He has not lived and died in vain. And what can we give to
all those who surround us, beginning with the smallest, the humblest
gifts to those closest to us and ending with giving all we can to
those who need more. And then truly Pentecost will come as a gift of
life, a gift that unites us, welds us into one body capable of being
to others a vision on earth of the Kingdom, but also a source of life
and of joy, so that truly our joy, and the joy of all those whom we
meet should be fulfilled. Amen.
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